Support c a tegory managers and factory supply chain managers with supplier qualification pr o cess thro u gh e valuating th e sup plier qualification asses s ment f o rms an d rec o mmending the ap p ropri a te q ualification level.
Ensure the suppl y base i s and remains fully qualified and c o mpliant throu g h regular mon i tor ing and th e rep o rtin g of the qualification statu s .
Drive sustainability and onboard suppliers in EcoVadis.
Plan and condu c t the re q uired supplier o n -sit e a u dits including th e asses s ment rep o rting (with qualification decision), c orre c tive a c tion plan alignment with the s uppliers.
Participate i n th e SSDP (Supplier Sustainability Development Progr a m) a s sessme n ts.
Conduct regular s tatus u pdate meeting s with the suppliers and co n firm t h e closur e of correc tive a c tion plan it e ms by the suppliers within th e d efined resol u tion t i me fr a me.
Perform and document P P AP for new supplier developments.
Visualize the succe s sfully c o mpleted PPAPs a t the global/regional level to all the whole SCM and Quality commun i ty to a void d uplication of e ff o rts.
Lead non-co n formity resolution p roces s with the suppliers in case o f t h e escalate d tec h nical issues from th e f a ctories and e n sur e th e eff e ctive root-cause analysi s and the cou n ter measur e impleme n t a tion by the s uppliers.
Monitor and consolidate the supplier delivery an d quality KPIs, th e cr i tical non-conformities e scalated from the fa c tories.
Share supplier performance K P Is an d th e crit i cal supplier list regularly with the HUB S C M and t h e Category Managers.
Lead supplier p e rf o rmance i mprov e me n t a c tions f o r the targ e te d sup p liers to me e t the cust o mer and the Hitach i Energys fa c tories exp e ctation s (following DMAIC, A3 an d /or 8D methodolog y ).
Monitor and e n sure th e s upplier perf o rm a nce d a t a , the supplier quality c o sts and the claims are reported acc o rding to PG/PGTR guidelines and instr u ctions.
Impleme n t company s u pply quality pr o cedure s within the a s signed res p onsibility area.
Living Hitachi Energys core values of safety and integrity, which means taking responsibility for your own actions while caring for your colleagues and the business.
Your background:
Bachelors degree or higher in one of the disciplines: mechanical engineering, electrical engineering or production engineering.
5+ years of relevant experience in manufacturing quality assurance.
Experience from transformer or automotive industry is a plus.
Proven skills in auditing and part qualification processes.
Knowledge in manufacturing of electrical steel, cores, conductors, insulation kits, insulation boards, bushings, tap changers and other transformer accessories.
Good understanding in ISO standards, UNs 17 Sustainable Development Goals, EcoVadis, REACH, RoHS, FMEA, PPAP and Conflict Minerals.
Proficiency in both spoken & written English language is required.